Christine Doucet



Suite 300 – Park Lane Terraces
5657 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, NS B3J 3R4

Direct Phone: 902-422-5881
Fax: 902-422-5882

Christine is a partner at MDW Law in Halifax and practices solely in the area of family law, with a particular interest in the business and financial aspects of separation. Christine is a believer in the collaborative process. She presents the option to clients as an effective way to resolve family matters in a non-adversarial manner. She has actively and successfully represented clients who have chosen collaborative family law. Christine served on the executive of the Association of Collaborative Family Law Professionals of Nova Scotia from 2010 to 2014, including two terms as president.

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Some Important Points to Consider:

  • The Participation Agreement includes a commitment not to begin a court proceeding.

  • Collaborative family law respects relationships.

  • Collaborative family law safeguards participants’ privacy, because proceedings are not public record.

  • Collaborative family law gives participants control over the pace of their process.

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